
랜도 노리스는 온라인 트롤링 후 NBA 경기에서 '보안 위험'을 낙인찍었습니다 Revised title: Lando Norris branded ‘security risk’ at NBA game..

빨간새우깡 2023. 4. 13. 12:00

랜도 노리스는 온라인 트롤링 후 NBA 경기에서 '보안 위험'을 낙인찍었습니다
맥라렌의 드라이버 랜도 노리스는 미국에서 열린 NBA 경기에 출연한 후 소셜 미디어 폭풍에 휘말렸고, 21세의 선수는 온라인 트롤링 후 "보안 위험"으로 기소되었습니다. 경기의 소셜 미디어 영상은 노리스가 코트를 더 잘 보기 위해 쌍안경을 사용하는 것과 일부 스포츠 팬들이 공공 안전에 위험하다고 제안한 자신의 신원을 숨기기 위해 후드티를 입는 것을 보여주었습니다. 하지만, 노리스는 그가 단지 게임을 즐기려고 노력했을 뿐이며 그에 대한 비난은 근거가 없다고 말하면서 자신을 변호했습니다.

소셜 미디어의 반발
골든 스테이트 워리어스와 멤피스 그리즐리스의 NBA 경기에 이어 랜도 노리스가 쌍안경을 사용하는 장면이 소셜 미디어에 널리 공유되었습니다. 일부 팬들은 노리스의 행동이 의심스러웠고 경기장에 있는 다른 참석자들의 안전에 위협이 될 수 있었다고 주장하며 노리스를 비판했습니다. 게다가, 많은 사람들이 노리스가 후드티를 입기로 한 결정을 비난했고 그가 탈레반의 일원처럼 보인다고 농담을 해서 소셜 미디어에서 추가적인 비판을 야기했습니다.

그의 행동을 변호하기
하지만, 랜도 노리스는 그가 단지 농구 경기에 대한 그의 견해를 개선하기 위해 노력하고 있다고 말하면서, 이러한 비난에 대해 신속하게 자신을 변호했습니다. 성명서에서, 그는 "분위기를 즐기고 있었다"며, 생방송 스포츠 경기를 볼 때 쌍안경을 사용하는 것이 그에게 "표준 절차"였다고 말했습니다. 게다가, 그는 경기장 안의 추운 온도 때문에 후드티를 입는 것을 선택했다고 말했습니다.

노리스의 NBA 경기 출연에 대한 반발은 소셜 미디어가 주장을 뒷받침할 사실적 증거가 거의 없는 상황에서도 여론에 영향을 미치는 데 사용될 수 있는 정도를 강조합니다. NBA와 다른 스포츠 리그의 팬들은 항상 그들의 팀과 그들을 대표하는 선수들에 대해 열정적이었지만, 소셜 미디어의 부상은 모든 사람들에게 그들의 의견을 공유하고 이 공인들의 행동을 면밀히 조사할 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공했습니다. 결과적으로, 더 많은 운동선수들과 유명인사들이 앞으로 소셜 미디어 논란의 중심에 서게 될 것 같습니다.


맥라렌의 드라이버 랜도 노리스는 다른 사람들의 안전을 위험에 빠뜨렸다는 비난을 받았던 미국의 NBA 경기에 출연한 후 소셜 미디어에서 비난을 받았습니다. 노리스는 경기를 즐기려고 노력하고 있었고, 생방송 스포츠를 볼 때 쌍안경을 사용하는 것이 그에게 표준적인 절차라고 말하면서 자신을 변호했습니다. 소셜 미디어에 대한 반발의 여파는 여론과 공인에 대한 정밀 조사에서 소셜 미디어의 영향력이 증가하고 있음을 강조합니다. #SPORT



Lando Norris branded ‘security risk’ at NBA game after online trolling

McLaren driver Lando Norris became embroiled in a social media storm following his appearance at an NBA game in the United States, with the 21-year-old being accused of being a “security risk” after online trolling. Social media footage from the game showed Norris using binoculars to gain a better view of the court and also wearing a hoodie to conceal his identity, which some sports fans suggested was a risk to public safety. However, Norris defended himself by stating that he was merely trying to enjoy the game and that the accusations against him were unfounded.

Social Media Backlash

Following the NBA game between Golden State Warriors and Memphis Grizzlies, footage of Lando Norris using binoculars was shared widely on social media. Some fans criticised Norris, claiming that his actions were suspicious and could have posed a threat to the safety of other attendees at the arena. In addition, many criticised Norris’ decision to wear a hoodie and joked that he looked like a member of the Taliban, prompting further criticism on social media.

Defending His Actions

However, Lando Norris swiftly defended himself against these accusations, stating that he was simply trying to improve his view of the basketball game. In a statement, he said that he had been “enjoying the atmosphere” and that using binoculars had been “standard procedure” for him when watching live sporting events. Additionally, he stated that he had chosen to wear a hoodie due to the cold temperature inside the arena.

The Fallout

The backlash to Norris’ appearance at the NBA game highlights the extent to which social media can be used to influence public opinion, even when there is little factual evidence to support the claims made. Fans of the NBA and other sports leagues have always been passionate about their teams and the players who represent them, but the rise of social media has given everyone a platform to share their opinions and scrutinise the actions of these public figures. As a result, it is likely that more athletes and celebrities will find themselves at the centre of social media controversies in the future.


McLaren driver Lando Norris was criticised on social media following his appearance at an NBA game in the United States where he was accused of putting others’ safety at risk. Norris defended himself by stating that he was trying to enjoy the game and that using binoculars was standard procedure for him when watching live sports. The fallout from the backlash on social media highlights the growing influence of social media in public opinion and scrutiny of public figures. #SPORT